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Gx - a division for players who are a girl or do not fit into the gender binary and believe this is the right division for them.

Bx - a division for players who are a boy or do not fit into the gender binary and believe this is the right division for them.

Seven Hills goal is to be an inclusive, welcoming, and safe environment for all players regardless of their identity. We strive to build diverse teams of players from all over the city, from as many schools as possible. No player should feel like they don't belong on the ultimate field.

"USA Ultimate Gender Inclusion Policy
USA Ultimate currently has three divisions – men’s, women’s and mixed – that default to using
the gender binary to determine participation in each division (for youth players, the divisions are
boys’, girls’ and mixed). However, we recognize not all individuals’ gender identities are binary,
and a gender binary default for participation potentially could make some individuals feel
excluded and unsafe.

Within our divisions as they currently exist, USA Ultimate will not discriminate on the
basis of gender identity, regardless of sex assigned at birth, or any other form of gender
expression for participation in any division. We affirm that people of all gender identities
should have the freedom to participate in USA Ultimate sanctioned or championship series
events in the division in which they feel most comfortable and safe based on their gender
identity and should be recognized, respected and included at every level of the sport."

Please read the full policy here:

Transgender Inclusion policy here:

2016 Seattle Youth Ultimate Club, LLC

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